Well I have been doing some autumn cleaning and discovered my home server did not have sensors installed. Upon discovering it has a barely supported chipset, that does get detected by the sensors-detect script, but there is actually no driver included.
The sensor is found on the following Asus mainboards:
- P4B533-VM
- P4S333 (in conjunction with another asus chip?)
- P4S333-VM
- Terminator P4
The patch is available here.
Works like a charm with lm_sensors - here is the output:
Adapter: SiS96x SMBus adapter at 0xe600
in0: +1.79 V
in1: +3.41 V
in2: +3.02 V
in3: +3.12 V
fan1: 2393 RPM
fan2: 1125 RPM
temp1: +42.0°C
temp2: +56.0°C
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